Omni Athlete Club Coin

Winter 2025

Santa Monica — Saturday

Free Agent: $100

8 Player Max: $600


21+ Matches
8 Sports
👚 Jersey
🎉 EOY Party
🏅 Prizes
🙌 Bragging Rights
📷 Memories
😄 New Friends

$100/free agent or $600/team (8 player max)


Santa Monica Beach
Los Angeles, CA


Feb 1 — Mar 15 (7 wks)




7 — 11 am


Co-ed, age 18+


Any ability


All provided

Team Size

4—8 players



*You play, score (and win) both as your team and as a player. This is for maximum 🙌 fun and 💪 growth.

Santa Monica

Register Now

Winter 2025 — Santa Monica — Saturday

Free Agent: $100

8 Player Max: $600

Winter 2025 Season Games

All teams (and players) will play each other in all sports listed above over the course of 7 weeks with each week playing a different sport, game, or race. (Note: some weeks you play multiple). Playing, scoring, and rules are dependent on the sport and will be provided before playing.

🏐 Volleyball
🏈 Flag Football
🤣 Charades
🏃🏿‍♀️ 10k Run
⁉️ Trivia
🍺 Beer Pong
🏃‍♂️ 3k Run
🎭 Creative Challenge
🧩 Puzzle
🏃🏼‍♀️ 100 Yard Dash

Game Play


Played & Scored as 5v5 Teams (+ rotational bench player) in a tournament format. Best of 3 game matches. Number of matches dependent on number of teams. All teams play same amount.

Flag Football

Played & Scored as 6v6 Teams (or play down as needed) in a tournament format. Best of 3 game matches. Number of matches dependent on number of teams. All teams play same amount..


Teams take turns acting out words or phrases without speaking, and trying to guess what’s being acted out. Best score wins.

Trivia & Puzzles

Played & Scored both in 2 separate events once as a team and once as individuals.

Beer Pong

Played & Scored as 2v2 Teams (with your team of 8 split up into teams of 4) and all teams playing a tournament format. Number of matches dependent on number of teams. All play same amount. Note: Can be played without alcohol.

3k & 10k Races

Separate races. Each played as individuals but scored as both individuals and collective amongst your team with your team score being a total time amongst all your players. Time is based on gender & age group.

100 Yard Dash

Played as a tournament amongst groups based on gender and age.

Theater Challenge

Played as a team. Task given on Week 1, you will have 6 weeks to complete the task and present your final product on Week 7. Scoring is done by all players voting (but teams can’t vote on own team).



Coming soon…


Coming soon…

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